We Are Based In South East England Covering Sussex, Kent, Essex & London Areas

WE’RE FULLY OPERATIONAL having been classified by the Government as ‘key workers’ in the media industry and also having tested negative for COVID-19. Naturally everyone needs to stay alert and maintain social distancing.

All businesses are going to find it a struggle to catch up and it will take many months for the economy to get close to what it was before we were hit by this terrible pandemic. Video promotion is going to be more important than ever before. [See our “BRAVE NEW WORLD” article]. You must capture market share and grab attention in a fragile economy at the earliest opportunity. Video is your biggest vehicle in recovery and our message is simple. If you have ever found yourself procrastinating getting a video produced to help your marketing efforts then now is the time to jump into action and make your business stand out. If you only ever decide to have one video produced in your marketing programme, then time is off the essence. Whether you are an established corporation launching a new product line or an entrepreneur looking at winning finance investment, you need to reach those areas of the market and get your message to where it has maximum impact and you cannot afford to think it will make little difference. It will make a huge difference if you have a vision and you advertise that vision in a way that dynamically engages your audience. That is what Empathic Productions does.

Don’t delay any longer. Talk to us now, plan early and let us create a winning formula for your business. Empathic Productions specialises in capturing your story, creating your image and making your vision count.